After the excellent advice from John Fetler, Music Critic for the Gazette Telegraph newspaper, we received an invitation from Dr. Albert Seay, head of the Music Department at Colorado College, to perform a Sunday concert in Armstrong Auditorium. This is the 4th CSCMS concert.
Audience nearly filled the house. This concert was spectacular! You may obtain a CD of this concert by filling in the request form, or by emailing Bach to Music. Click the poster to the right, or see
There is audio available for this concert. Follow the links below. Click on the
program cover to see a PDF of the entire printed program. You can also read the Review by John Fetler, Music Critic of the Gazette Telegraph, and Jim Reynolds, at The Sun, both who were in attendance.
If you were one of the musicians who played in this concert, you
may never have heard the audio recording by Kirby Stewart using a half-track, 10” reel-to-reel Ampex tape recorder. The performances at this concert were superlative! I
hope you really enjoy listening to them.