Colorado Springs Chamber Music Society
Colorado Springs Chamber Music Society

Concert Performance March 26, 1974

Photograph by
Ranjith Jim Box

After the excellent reviews from John Fetler, Music Critic for the Gazette Telegraph newspaper and Jim Reynolds, Music Critic of The Sun newspaper, we received a second invitation from Dr. Albert Seay, head of the Music Department at Colorado College, to perform another concert in Armstrong Auditorium.  This is the 5th and final  CSCMS concert.

CSCMS_Gazette_Telegraph_cover_ed_200wThe Colorado Springs Chamber Music Society received a 3 full-pages, plus a half page, article with photos in the weekend “Leisure Time Section” -- on the cover!  The audience increased to “standing room only!”

“And the audience which packed Armstong had its expectations fully rewarded.  It was an evening of gratifying musical skill, as well as a lot of musical fun.”
wrote John Fetler on March 28, 1974 in the Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph

There is audio available for this concert. Follow the links below.  Click on the program cover to see a PDF of the entire printed program.  You can also read the Review by John Fetler, Music Critic of the Gazette Telegraph.

If you were one of the musicians who played in this concert, you may never have heard the audio recording by Kirby Stewart using a half-track, 10” reel-to-reel Ampex tape recorder.  The performances at this concert were superlative!  I hope you really enjoy listening to them.


Review Snippits

10-B--Gazette Telegraph  Colorado Springs, Colo.  Thursday, March 28, 1974

Chamber Group Given
Wild Applause at CC

“The mostly college audience (although community was represented, too) gave the musicians great, sometimes even wild, applause...”

“The word had spread that these young musicians, all of whom contribute their time and skills free, are something special.  And the audience which packed Armstrong had its expectations fully rewarded.  It was an evening of gratifying musical skill, as well as a lot of musical fun. is gratifying to see that these musicians are winning for themselves a faithful audience in this community.”

—John Fetler , Music Critic of the Colorado Springs Gazette Telegraph

CSCMS Concert: March 26, 1974

“PDQ Bach vs. The Beatles”

Michael Paul Gibson, Conductor

      Colorado College presents
      Colorado Springs Chamber Music Society
Armstrong Auditorium, Sunday at 4:00 PM
      Colorado Springs, Colorado




Click for PDF of Program

Intro & Echo Sonata for Two Groups of Unfriendly Instruments

P.D.Q. Bach
(Peter Schickele)








Fanfare for the Common Man

Aaron Copland








Serenade in E-flat Major, Op. 7

Richard Strauss








Scherzo Alla Marcia

Ralph Vaughan Williams

(2nd Mvt. from Symphony No. 8 in D Minor) Conducted by Rolf Johnson





Schleptet in E-flat Major (S. 0)

P.D.Q. Bach



(Peter Schickele)


I     Larghissimo--Allegro Boffo




II    Menuetto Con Brio Ma Senza Trio



III  Adagio Sacchrino



IV   Yehudi Menuetto



V    Presto Hey Nonny Nonnio



(The Beatles) (Arr. by Rolf Johnson)








Prelude and Fugue in B-flat Minor

J.S. Bach

(from Book 2 of The Well-Tempered Clavier

(Arr. by Rolf Johnson) Conducted by Rolf Johnson








Movement for Brass Quartet

Rolf Johnson








Octet for Wind Instruments

Igor Stravinsky






Tema con Variazioni





Colorado Springs Chamber Music Society Poster March 26, 1974

Original artwork by Richard Hilliard Young

Colorado Springs Chamber Music Society

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