The audio recordings of the CSCMS, engineered by Kirby
Stewart, are exceptional, especially considering the available recording equipment and technology in 1972-1974. During that time video recording equipment was not readily available to
anyone but TV stations and professional video creators. There is no video of the CSCMS except the 30-minute TV show performance we did for KRDO TV in Colorado Springs. Unfortunately we do
not have a copy of this show.
Michael Gibson is currently working toward adding video to the outstanding audio performances to enhance
their value and hold the interest of viewers of YouTube videos. The audio files plus video will likely be viewed by many more people than if only the audio were published. It is my goal
to add visual value that may keep the viewer interested to stay to the end. :-)
So far I have only added video to two of the CSCMS audio files.
The Colorado Springs Chamber Music Society, conducted by Michael Paul Gibson, perform the concert band version of "Circus Polka" by Igor Stravinsky on October 7, 1973 in Armstrong Hall at Colorado College in Colorado Springs,
This reel-to-reel recording made by Kirby Stewart was recorded live at the October 7, 1973 concert. It has been copied from half-track to quarter-track reel-to-reel tape, backed up
on DAT tape, then finally recorded to digital media.
Igor Stravinsky wrote this piece for the Ringling Brothers' Circus Band to
accompany a ballet of elephants, leader "Bessie" who carried Vera Zorina, the ballerina.
In order to give you something to look at whilst listening, I added a video track,
based on the audio track, that I hope will hold your interest.
Circus Polk by Igor Stravinsky (Concert Band Version)
Colorado Springs Chamber Music Society, conducted by Michael Paul Gibson, live performance on Sunday, October 7, 2973. Click on title below to go directly to YouTube, or press
play from here.
Symphony in B flat for Concert Band by Paul Hindemith
The Colorado Springs Chamber Music Society in a live performance of Hindemith's Symphony in B flat for Concert Band, conducted by Michael Paul Gibson on October 7,
1973. Audio Recording Engineer, Kirby Stewart used an Ampex, 9" reel-to-reel, half-track recorder. The audio of this video has been transferred to quarter-track 7" reel-to-reel tape,
then over the years to DAT tape, then to hard disk. Considering it was 1973 (45 years ago) the sound track still sounds reasonable and the performance is exceptional.
The Symphony in B flat for
Concert Band might not be everyone's favorite, but it is one of the greatest, and exceedingly difficult pieces in the symphonic band repertoire. This performance is one of the top performances of my
I wanted people to hear this performance, but audio only is not very popular these days. So I created a video to go along with the audio. The video is a combination of my personally
marked conductor score and the audio wave forms with cursor and VU meter. Hopefully the video will create some interest - especially for the musicians who played in this performance (see list at end).
I hope everyone will enjoy this exceptional performance by the Colorado Springs Chamber Music Society. Please let us know what you think. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Click on title below to go directly to YouTube, or press play from here.