Michael Paul Gibson


Writing Experience




1993 - PresentSignature Systems, Inc.Design, write, and create graphics for technical manuals; web design
1994 - 1995Young Artists Symphony Orchestrawrote program; program notes; radio and TV advertising; produced 30 sec. and 60 sec. video commercial spot for TV
1993Pyramid Technologydesigned, wrote script, and directed "Jolt" video (won Joey Award)
1990 - 1993Pacific Gas and Electric Companydesigned, wrote, produced Scaling Up, Law Dept. newsletter
1987 - 1990QANTEL Business Systems, Inc.developed and implemented corporate video program; directed and produced videos for marketing and software
1987 - 1990QANTEL Business Systems, Inc.designed, wrote, and taught numerous software courses throughout the US
1987 - 1990QANTEL Business Systems, Inc.wrote marketing collateral, including Up & Running magazine; implemented desktop publishing dept.
1986 - 1987Momentum Service Corporationwrote quarterly newsletter for service division
1983Bay Area Little SymphonyProduced; shot; and edited seven and one half minute promotional video
1982 - PresentBay Area Little Symphonywrite grants and funding proposals; advertising; programs and program notes

Send e-mail to: maestro@bamusic.org
Copyright © 1996-2001 by BACH to Music.